Academic Distinction

Scripps - Academic Excellence - Student in a lab

Our accomplished students thrive in an academically challenging environment led by dedicated faculty scholars, researchers, and leaders in their fields. Scripps’ robust curriculum is central to its distinguished academic reputation. The tenets of our curriculum remain consistent—an interdisciplinary approach and a broad and deep liberal arts focus, with a foundation in the humanities.

Scripps - Academic - Exceptional Students - People in discussion at table in library

Exceptional Students

Scripps students pursue wide-ranging interests in the humanities, social sciences, and STEM—and discover new and inventive ways to combine these fields of study, often with the goals of challenging assumptions, increasing access, and improving the world. At Scripps, our students enjoy a vibrant community where they live and learn together.

Our students earned research and fellowship grants from the Fulbright Foundation, Davis Projects for Peace, Watson Foundation, and more.

Top Fulbright Producer

Research Grants And Awards




fellowships, scholarships, awards

Fellowships, Scholarships, and Awards include:

3 Napier Fellows, 1 Barry Goldwater Scholarship, 1 Davis Projects for Peace, 1 Thomas J. Watson Fellowship, 1 Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, and 1 Senior Foote Fellowship.

Academic Distinction - Capstone Day - Intro

Capstone Day

Scripps’ Capstone Day event, held in May, celebrates the research and hard work graduating seniors dedicate to their theses and final projects in pursuit of their degrees.

Capstone Day Data






theses and projects

Scripps - Academic Distinction

Graduate Outcomes

Scripps graduates from the Class of 2023 received offers of full-time employment by employers representing a variety of fields, including Adobe, American Museum of Natural History, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, and Johns Hopkins University.

Post-Scripps Plans

(Class of 2024 data available in spring 2025)


graduate salary


graduate offers


10+ years

Mean salary reported (Class of 2023); percentage of graduates with employment, graduate school, or fellowship offers; median salary for graduates with 10+ years experience, per Payscale.

Scripps - Academic - Distinguished Faculty - Teacher instructing students in science lab

Distinguished Faculty

Faculty are the center of Scripps’ academic life, and their scholarship contributes to the intellectual community at Scripps. Our faculty receive funding from leading national and regional foundations for their research, including the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Grants, Awards, and Fellowships

Faculty reported receiving grants, awards, and fellowships from national, regional, and local organizations, including the National Institutes of Health, California Arts Council, National Science Foundation, Artist2Artist, and The Huntington Library.




in funding

Academic Achievements


new tenure track faculty


new endowed chair




faculty accomplishments

Five faculty were featured on The Academic Minute podcast for a week in April. Listen to their episodes, below:

Scripps faculty headshot - Ken Gonzales-Day

Ken Gonzales-Day

Fletcher Jones Chair in Art
Scripps faculty headshot - Myriam Chancy

Myriam J. A. Chancy

Hartley Burr Chair in the Humanities
Scripps faculty headshot - Patrick Ferree

Patrick Ferree

Associate Professor of Biology
Scripps faculty headshot - Sarah Marzen

Sarah Marzen

Assistant Professor of Physics
Scripps faculty headshot - Stacey Wood

Stacey Wood

Molly Mason Jones Chair in Psychology
Scripps - Academic Distinction - Masthead